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Here's a blog post about Asian Hornets in the UK, focusing on early-season queen detection and nest removal...

Asian Hornets: A Threat to Our Native Bees and Biodiversity.

The Asian hornet (Vespa Valutina) is an invasive species that poses a significant threat to our native pollinators, particularly honeybees. These hornets are highly effective predators, and their presence can decimate bee colonies, impacting honey production and the wider ecosystem. Have a look at our Hornet protection range here.

Why Early Detection Matters...

Spring is the crucial time to focus on detecting and removing Asian hornet nests. So here is why, basically this is the time for Queen Emergence. Asian hornet queens emerge from hibernation in spring. They are solitary at this stage, making them easier to identify and capture.

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Overwintered Queens begin building small primary nests, often in sheltered locations such as outbuildings, hollow trees, and dense vegetation. These nests are easier to locate and remove than the larger, mature nests that develop later in the season. By removing nests early on, we can prevent the establishment of large colonies that can cause significant damage to bee populations.

Identifying and Reporting Asian Hornets is crucial, it cannot be overemphasised enough how important this work is in the early season. A false identification whilst not helpful, is preferable to not being sure and walking away wondering, reporting the suspected ones is the best option.

Try to validate the sighting, Asian hornets are smaller than native European hornets. They have a dark velvety body with a distinctive yellow/orange band on their fourth abdominal segment. They have some unique characteristics, they are strong fliers and can be seen hovering around beehives.

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If you suspect you have seen an Asian hornet, report it immediately using one of the contact details below. If you believe you have seen a yellow-legged hornet, please report it. You can report your sighting by using one of the following, if you have the opportunity tell them all.

- Using the Asian Hornet Watch app for iPhone or app for Android
- Filling in the online recording form
- Emailing alertnonnative@ceh.ac.uk

If you do not have a photo of your sighting you can use a smartphone, or if you need any kind of assistance reporting a sighting, you can contact your local British Beekeeping Association (BBKA) which will have a dedicated officer to help with the sighting and will know how to pull a team together to locate the suspected sighting.

What to Do If You Find a Nest?

Most importantly, do not try to tackle this on your own, do not attempt to remove the nest yourself. Asian hornets can be aggressive and sting multiple times. You may just disturb the nest and encourage the Asian Hornet to locate in another location.

Instead, report the nest immediately to the relevant authorities. Be prepared, and try to provide accurate location details to assist with the nest removal team.

Early Season Action Is Crucial!

Spread the word about the importance of being vigilant. Contact local groups like the Women’s Institute (W.I.), give a brief talk, and show them photos of Asian Hornets to enlist their help. These groups, often passionate about the environment and gardening, can play a key role in protecting honeybees. Share information with your community, including gardeners, beekeepers, and landowners. On farms, where orchard work is hands-on, ask farmers to post laminated A4 leaflets at orchard entrances to remind workers to look out for nests or Asian Hornets.

Information to pass on would be the importance of conducting regular surveys, and regularly inspecting gardens, outbuildings, and trees for signs of Asian Hornet activity.

If you have a location for a trap so much the better. A trap with the correct seasonal bait will also help, as simple as putting a protein in the trap will often be enough to attract the Asian Hornet Queen at the start of her breeding season. Have a look at our Hornet protection range here.

Supporting early nest removal programs is so important, encouraging local authorities and beekeeping groups to prioritise early season nest removal efforts. By acting early and working together, we can minimise the impact of Asian hornets on our native biodiversity.

Disclaimer: This information is for general guidance only. Always refer to official sources for the most up-to-date advice on identifying and reporting Asian Hornets.

National Asian Hornet Hive Defender - Western Red Cedar
National Asian Hornet Hive Defender - Western Red Cedar
National Asian Hornet Hive Defender - Western Red Cedar
National Asian Hornet Hive Defender - Western Red Cedar
National Asian Hornet Hive Defender - Western Red Cedar
National Asian Hornet Hive Defender - Western Red Cedar
National Asian Hornet Hive Defender - Western Red Cedar
National Asian Hornet Hive Defender - Western Red Cedar

National Asian Hornet Hive Defender - Western Red Cedar

Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap
Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap
Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap
Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap
Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap
Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap
Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap
Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap
Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap
Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap
Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap
Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap

Ornetin Asian Hornet Trap

Langstroth Asian Hornet Defender - Western Red Cedar
Langstroth Asian Hornet Defender - Western Red Cedar
Langstroth Asian Hornet Defender - Western Red Cedar
Langstroth Asian Hornet Defender - Western Red Cedar
Langstroth Asian Hornet Defender - Western Red Cedar
Langstroth Asian Hornet Defender - Western Red Cedar

Langstroth Asian Hornet Defender - Western Red Cedar

Genuine Jabeprode Cone - Asian Hornet Trap
Genuine Jabeprode Cone - Asian Hornet Trap
Genuine Jabeprode Cone - Asian Hornet Trap
Genuine Jabeprode Cone - Asian Hornet Trap
Genuine Jabeprode Cone - Asian Hornet Trap
Genuine Jabeprode Cone - Asian Hornet Trap

Genuine Jabeprode Cone - Asian Hornet Trap
